\n Old Babies Already Eaten!!!!!!

What's Up:

5/30/01 by Ian
In addition to a real update, here's a bunch of crap you can download that isn't really posted.

  1. Radiohead Amnesiac. Tracks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.
  2. Stickman Vs. Snotty Frenchman.
  3. A song.
  4. The Real Boss.
  5. The comic I'm working on right now.

5/29/01 by Ian
Yeah yeah yeah... Bad news is that even after all that time it's a small update. Just some other art from Buddha and something from me. The good news is that the something from me is something I can use to update the site more regularly. It's all the old Stickman's from notebook paper. I'm sorry, we're all painfully stupid.

5/14/01 by Ian
Why haven't I updated in so long? WHY HAVEN'T YOU? Yeah fucker, noodle that one for a while. Anywhoo, new stuff from Buddha, the roth, Rob and that's the update. If it weren't for my horse, I'd never have spent that year in college.

5/4/01 by Ian
Word to your mom's yall! I be in the house with tha mad other art yo! I be representin with like, shits from my man's Rob and the roth, and yo, Mobius and Eric in the house too. And you know I wouldn't go down like a punk bitch, so I added some shit myself. Check Other Art out for your own damn self. Sheeeeit.
Good Evening. I have plenty of Work to share this evening. Firstly, is art from both Robert and Roth. In addition there are new submissions by both Mobius and Eric. Of course, it would be improper to do an update without a personal touch, so I have seen fit to add a bit of my own recent endevours. All of this is available to peruse in the "Other Art" section of the page. Sheeeeeit.

5/2/01 by Ian
You want updates? You want new Art from me, roth, Mobius and Eric? DO YOU WANT IT NOW? Well, you got it. New other art from the first three, and an interesting prompt submission from Eric. Suck my bacon!

5/2/01 by Ian
It's a Two Fer! I made Nick a contact page. I also go tired of not having a links page, so I threw something together. If you have a page I ought to link, mail me, and I'll give it a look. STOP LOOKING AT ME!!

5/2/01 by Ian
I'm the fastest man alive. I just want you all to know that. Oh yeah, I updated things. "What kinds of things?" you ask. "ALL kinds of things." I reply. KIAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/23/01 by Ian
Ian and roth, in it together. How? WHY? This time it's just an update... but something more is in the wings... something MUCH more.
Anyway, some new pictures from the roth and a Big Bad new Stickman from me. Shut up, Sickboy!

4/20/01 by Ian
More for you hungry bastards. Two from Roth, two from Spammy, and one from little ole me. They go (respectively) prompt, other, other, other, stickman. Bastard!

4/18/01 by Ian
It's the girls of KILLALLTHEWHITEMAN! First we have a new contributor named Spammy, who sent some prompt stuff, and my buddy Chantel sent along a tribute to The Man, The Myth, The Filthy Slob: JOE DON BAKER. Hey ladies in the place I'm calling out to ya!

4/12/01 by Ian
I finally got some stuff up for the new prompt, including the third Cigarettes the Clown comic, which is actually the first. And, from the same people who brought you today's prompt, we have fan art and some gallery work. Boy don't you nevah, and I mean NEVAH, make fun, of no cripple.

4/09/01 by Ian
In lieu of a real update, here is a picture of my friend setting himself on fire. ENJOY!.

4/07/01 by Frank
So, like, through some super detective skills I've managed to track down an old high school friend of mine. She goes by the name of "Rika" and, well, she kicks ass. Lots of ass. Not just wimpy southern ass, but all sorts of ass. She's waged a war on ass, and your ass is next. Check out her stunning contributions here.

4/4/01 by Ian
I've got up a new Cigarettes the Clown comic, Rob and the roth drew some pictures of pigs, the second half of that poison fate comic is coming, some fan art that still doesn't make sense, more from Buddha, a ramble posted up in Words, and I still don't have any submissions for "Vomiting". The Janitor of Rock and Roll.

3/30/01 by Ian
Talk about punctuated equilibrium. Anyway, my entry for the prompt is up, as is a new Mobius comic. With two updates this close together, It'll probably be a month before you hear from me again. Aerodynamic in the evening air.

3/30/01 by Ian
Some new stuff. A comic by Lucas that I'll organize later. And what is actually the second In my new ongoing series, Cigarettes the Clown! Number one will be up pretty soon. Furthermore, my addition to the prompt is done, it's just not HERE. I'll get that up and post the new prompt ASAP. And of course Henry the Horse dances the Waltz!

3/28/01 by Ian
Well, Spring break came and took my internet connection, but I'm back. Unfortunately, right now I have nothing to post, because it's all on other people's computers. So send stuff in, and I'll get my shit Together for a big post tomorrow, at the latest. Booya Grandma!

3/15/01 by Ian
I warned that I'd return! Actually it's a pretty small update, a new Stickman and that's all she wrote. Well, not she literally, HE, cause I'm a boy. Spray Paint the Walls!

3/15/01 by Ian
Some more stuff in the art for a fan on the fan art page. There MIGHT be another update tonight, depending on how long my Computer Science final takes. They had spears.

3/11/01 by Ian
Some Fan Art by the roth. Let this be seen by you all as proof that I will post any damn thing. Some new other art as well. I've been drawing too, just nothing I can show you yet. Moe Three Eye Bus.

3/09/01 by Ian
More fan art, more other art, my contibution to the prompt was delayed, but will be in any time now... Other than that it's business as usual. Robots Don't Float.

3/05/01 by Ian
Fan art, including a special section proving how completely we at Killallthewhiteman have failed to grasp the concept. Some other art, and a fear of drumming gorillas. This site has it all baby. I hate English Nannies.

3/02/01 by Ian
Right, back in the system with extra strength, we've got Fan Art that seems to grasp the concept, as well as some more that doesn't, we've got gallery work and more. There are more prompt entries being worked on, and even a special project. Do whacka Do.

2/28/01 by Ian
Special "The End Is Nigh" Update!
With all these riots and earthquakes we've been having, mass transit in Seattle has stalled, which sucks ass for me, but means you people get an update. Not as big as the update you would have had on Thursday, but how about you shut the hell up and stop whining? Anyway, it's some Other art, from me, to all of YOU. Shaclack clack!

2/28/01 by Ian
There won't be updates till Thursday, because that's when I'll have a chance. I've got stuff from no less than 4 people to post on other art, some more Fan Art by people who seem to not understand the concept (draw your version of my art, not me), and the pretty pretty princess that is our navigation system should continue to spread it's influence through the site like some kind of horrible virus. You're the man now dog.

2/26/01 by Ian
My fucking hand hurts. I cut it up because of some pantsless skateboarding mishap. Anyway... New Prompt shit, and some new Other Art. Frank's busy redesigning this and that, so consider a retarded little under construction sign on the main page. I was scared...

2/24/01 by Frank
Hey you trained monkeys, bask in the glory of...something. I made all the pages look a little better. There's still a lot to be done but hey...fuck you.

2/23/01 by Ian
Maybe I'm not so lazy as I implied... What we have here (besides the obvious failure to communicate) is new Other Art From the roth and Mobius. And that's not all. The Thing I've been warning you about for so long on the Stickman page has happened. Look for this navigation system to spread to the rest of the page. And more surprises after than. Oh, and I finally did that damn Stickman 8. I think it was worth the wait. You tell me. Hella.

02/23/01 by Ian
I'm one lazy motherfucker. The new Stickman is done, and it's holding back, crouching behind the tall weeds waiting to pounce, but something else needs to get done first. As it is, we have a new Prompt, open to all and one, as well as new gallery shit from the roth and Mobius. I also got some fan art, even though it's by Mobius and of me Instead of Stickman... but who am I to complain? At least he DOES stuff. Nia... Nia... Nia... Nia... Nia... Nia...

02/21/01 by Ian
Back from my long journy. We've got all kinds of shit for you kiddies. New Words from Mobius. New Gallery shite from the roth and Rob. And it's getting so close to the release of something that will BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND that I can taste it. Take that mother fucker here's a bomb on y'all!

02/16/01 by Ian
I'm out for the weekend, so any updates will be up to sean. In the mean time, those with highspeed connections will want to check this out. It's a big ass file, and there will be future installments, though probably not on this server. Holy shit this kicks ass!

02/15/01 by Ian
Two updates in one day. We have another picture from everyone's favorite delusional psychotic the roth up in the other art portion of the gallery. And if you want to see the new Stickman comic (and so much more) don't ask me, talk to these guys. Holy shit, that kicks ass!

Now that I have officially un-fucked my head and have gotten my ass in gear, There's going to be a lot of changes going down at killwhitey, I'd like make it known that I am indeed cursed with a minor case of retardation and I screw up a lot, if at any time you feel the uncontrollable urge to punch the monitor and send Ian or I a nice firey ball of hate in the mail, direct your hate here. I use comma's way to much and I hope you all will see through that and look at the real, soft, squishy me inside. Oh yeah, new stickman comic on the way. peace. -- Chan

Frank has started making the page not be ugly (YAY Frank!), you can see a small hint of the non-ugliness to come on the Other Art page. While you're there, you can check out a new picture from the roth. You know the old saying, "A roth pic a day, will probably be used in court as evidence against me at some point." but oh well. The Stickman Epic of "Boys vs. Girls" will be up as soon as I get all my submissions. You'll understand once you see it. You are not your fuckin khakis. -- Ian

New Gallery shite. New "Good News, Bad News" courtesy Rob. More gallery stuff from Roth to come. Aren't you excited? I'm your only friend I'm not your only friend but I'm a little glowing friend but really I'm not actually your friend but I am. -- Ian

Just so everyone knows, the site is far from finished. I just want content UP so that once it looks pretty you're not using stylish navigation to look at like two pictures. More stuff in the Other Art section. The vamp (it's really not a revamp at at this point) is should be up soon, and things will be way less ugly. All this and a little comic the kids call Stickman. OOORRRRRLAAAAAANNNNNDO! -- Ian

E-mail is up. Contact page is up. A few "I have some good news, but I have some bad news" entries are up. New Words are up. And some art in in the Other Art gallery. For great Justice. -- Ian

We're up with our new host. Everything is still very un-finished. The Gallery should go up later today. I'm bigger. -- Ian

First update. The site exists. I'll probably put some stickman stuff up tonight. Rob digs Bauld chicks. -- Ian