I'm angry again.
No, that's not right

I'm still angry. In fact, I'm pretty much in a constant state of "FUCK!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! I MEAN... FUCK!!!"
Sorry about not clearly conveying just what was pissing me off there, but it's always something. Hopefully this little rant will elucidate you to some degree, but when it gets down to it, there's always something new to be pissed off about.

Now I want to be totally honest. I'm a pretty happy person. I know that after the last paragraph, where I went on and on about being angry (there's no real reason to paraphrase, it's right there), it might seem contrarian to say that, but it's true. As far as my life goes, I'm happy. I have plenty of those food and shelter type necessities, I have friends, I keep busy with tasks that I feel are worth my time. I'm usually in a good mood. Which makes my anger that much more important. It would be really easy to just be in a good mood. But it's too late for that.

At some point I started paying attention. Part of it was how I was raised. Part of it has to do with the people I spend time with. Part of it is probably just a natural feeling that things are fucked. That is, more or less, what one comes to see when one makes a detailed study of the world around them. Things are fucked. I could elaborate on that (the wealthy exploit the poor, people die of hunger while food gets wasted, rape goes unpunished because women are convinced they're partially to blame, schools crush creativity in favor of conformity, society abhors creative thought and my school blocks places like Vulgus Filter because it presents uncomfortable ideas), but that's really not the point. I could list atrocities all day long and never scratch the surface on everything that's wrong. So I'll just get some major points out of the way.

1)People act like animals. We hurt ourselves, those around us and our world to improve our standing in very small ways. In nature this act makes sense. Sometimes a dog will have to fight off other members of it's pack in order to make sure that it gets enough to eat in order to survive. In an organized society where real survival is an issue that is so minor that people introduce danger intentionally, this is selfish at best, and in my opinion, outright evil.

2)We're trained not to think. Think of Memes. Ok, does the concept make sense? Look at it like this: An animal that comes in agressively, and destroys all that compete's with it is very sucessful short term, and propagates quickly. In the long term the environment in which the animal lives stagnates. Now replace the word animal with "thought construct" or "ideology". The most effective way for a way of thinking to prevail, is to demand that one ceases thinking. To think is to allow new, and possibly contrary idea's into one's mind. Better to trust the church/doctor/teacher/book/politician/TV. IT knows what IT's talking about. IT has training. Who am I to argue?

3)When there's no diversity , and everything suffers. When one of the precepts of a way of thinking (be it religion, politics, music appreciation or how to make sandwiches) is that "THIS IS THE WAY" and that "ALL OTHER WAYS ARE FALSE, AND MUST BE DESTROYED!", well it's a very sucessful way arming your meme for survival. Eventually though, you get back to that long term. When only one set of idea's or thoughts is allowed, the environment of the thought (the individual mind, the society in which the ideology is prevelant, the culture based on those doctrines) begins to waste away. You get backlash cases. People realize that the way of thinking they've grown up around is flawed, and they rebel. All too often, instead of shrugging off the shackles of being taught, and coming to actually learn, they simply find a new right way of being, and skip that whole messy thinking step. Another group finds the succor of knowing the absolute truth so comforting that they never even think to look elsewhere. It is my sincere hope that you fall into a third group. That you make a conscious effort to think for yourself, to consider idea's contrary to your own. After all, If an Idea holds up to valid criticisms then your belief is validated and strengthened. If it does not, then the Idea was erroneous, and deserves to be destroyed.

I figure if those can be taken care of, everything else will pretty much take care of itself. Of course it's not quite as simple as me pointing out what I see as being the flaws of humanity and our world and then the world reading my webpage and shaping up to code. This needs to be conveyed to as many people as possible. I suppose the simplest way of getting this whole thing across is that everyone needs to stop being such assholes, and start spending more time reading, talking, and thinking.

Otherwise I'll never stop being pissed off.