I often talk about killing my roommate. He's incredibly annoying, and I wouldn't exactly be said if he died. That said, when I joke about dripping so much acid on his eye in his sleep that he suffers brain damage and has to quit school so that his rich parents can hide his insanity from the world, it's just that, A JOKE. But WHY is that funny? I'm talking about ruining someone's life just because he looks over my shoulder when I'm on the computer. That's totally unacceptable behavior by just about any moral or ethical standard. So why is it funny? It has to do with the nature of Comedy. Most people think of Comedy as a fun and lively little thing. It's jokes about common foibles and unexpected zingers. That's only Comedy for the weak minded. Comedy is, more or less, an attack. It's an attack that is delivered and timed in such a way that instead of being upsetting to viewers, is delightful. Stand-up is an easy point of reference. They attack politicians, or prominent people in the news. They attack themselves, and often they attack common failings of society. Every joke has aggression, or it isn't a joke. Think "Family Circus". There are some stragglers. Absurdist humor is an attack on societal norms, as is it's fecally inclined cousin, toilet humor. Puns are an attack on both the English language, and of course the listener. Humor is a coping mechanism for dealing with tragedy. That we will now pay money to have these tragic flaws pointed out to us by people who professionally rework the Tragedy into Comedy is both remarkable, and comic in it's self. Also worth pointing out is that there is Tragedy inherent in just about all elements of our lives. I would go so far as to say everything has an element of Tragedy, and is therefor a viable target for Comedy. There is nothing I can't make fun of. Certain things have to be held at greater distance and kept intangible for the laughs to be found, but it's possible, with the right timing and delivery. Ok, so I think everything's funny. Then why can't I stand Real TV. Not that Real TV as a show is any better or worse than the whole fucking genre, but it has a story that goes with it. So here's me, Mr. "Eating-Babies-is-Funny". I'm at my mom's place, and there's a sizeable gathering of family. For some reason we've decided that the best way to share our time together is by watching UPN. Real TV comes on. I have to leave the room. There was actually a little more shouting and arguing than I'm letting on here, but the important thing is, my family decided that they'd rather watch a boat flip over than have me around. Oh Boo-Fucking-Hoo Ian. My real point of contention here, is with TV like that itself. What is it? Why is it entertaining? Aside from being the death of the narrative (no plot, not even a hackneyed story with bad actors, just "check this shit out!"), it's so fucking crude. There's no timing on it, there's no spin, there's no well handled delivery. It's just shit happening. And it's not theoretical shit happening to people we make up for stories that never happened. It's all real people suffering, and TV doesn't even have the decency any more to have Bob Saget in there doing lame voices. We've all stopped trying. Tragedy is compelling, no doubt. That's why every great story needs a conflict, and why all Humor is born of pain. Tragedy without context, especially to real people, is just sick, and worse than that, pointless. It's the fucking Coliseum. People are so mentally dulled by the world that all they can do is see things happen and react. This is just one part of a giant problem where society trains people how to reason just well enough to complete the tasks they are assigned. It also trains them to consider this work, and to treat all thinking as work, and to leave the big decisions to Lawyers and Politicians who are just trying to make themselves richer. Read a book for Christ's sake people! THINK. When you're about to make any kind of decision ask yourself why. Then do it again. Try to see how often something is true because it makes sense, and you understand it, and it feels right to you, and how often something is true because you've allowed someone to explain it to you, and they have some position of authority that you see as being worthwhile. Tying this back into Comedy, is something funny because you heard the laugh track, or because it's actually funny? How often do you do you decide you like something simply because it fits comfortably alongside everything else you like? How often to artists use conventions like the last panel being the zinger in comic strips to avoid actually thinking themselves? Find Comedy in everything, because it's there. At the same time, don't mistake Tragedy for real entertainment (let alone worthwhile enrichment).