Questions I Might be Asked at Some Point

Rather than wait till I've been asked questions a suitable number of times and then post the answers, I'm going to show my lack of faith in humanity by assuming you'll irritate me, and then follow it up by writing this SPECIFICALLY so that I can point to it and call you a retard. Since this is the internet I'll probably make a page just to mock you for trying to talk to me.

What is Kill All The White Man anyway?
Kill All The White Man is pretty eclectic by design, I have no specific style of content. Mostly art and comics, but I'll put up whatever interests me. If you have something you feel like showing the world, send it to me. Odds are good I'll post it. You should keep in mind, that the more unlike what i normally have here, the more I've got to like it.

Well then who are you?
I'm Ian. I run the site, and ultimately decide what goes and what doesn't. In general at this point I post just about anything, because I don't have enough submissions not to. So you should all submit any comics about me being sodomized now and get them into the archives before I have the liberty of denying them.

Do you have ANY kind of submission guidelines?
As of right now, anything entered for the current Prompt will be posted. Other artwork I'll actually review. If I can't decide where or if to post it, I'll get an opinion from Sean. It's all very subjective. I'll never refuse to post something JUST because it's obscene. I will refuse to post it if it sucks.

This Comic doesn't really make sense...
That's not really a question... Now is it?

Don't be a jerk!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to demand questions here.

Fine. WHY doesn't this comic make sense?
It could be one of two reasons. Firstly, it may just not run left to right top to bottom. I know that's the standard in comics but it shouldn't have to be. If the artist decides the pictures work better juxtaposed in some other way, good for him. Sometimes I'll have an Easier version of a strip. Usually I won't. Try a little harder. I personally don't deviate from left to right top to bottom unless I want the way pictures are set up to convey something besides temporal changes. Secondly, maybe it just doesn't. Don't worry so much.

Didn't you steal the title of this page from a NOFX song?
No. NOFX and I both stole it from Saturday Night Live. So there.

I have a lucrative offer and blah blah blah...
Please, at least take the time to look at my site before you try to trick me into giving you money. You'll notice I have no banner ads. I run this place out of pocket, because I believe in the concept behind displaying art regardless of marketability. I'm not against making money on your endevours, but a place where compensation never enters into the equation is a healthy thing for an artist to have.

What is your updating schedual? Also, I noticed that you uploaded an essay without ever mentioning it, what's up with that?
Well, I update when I both have stuff to update with, and when I have a chance. So if there hasn't been an update I either have nothing to post, or I'm busy with my Girlfriend/Job/School/Social Life. Keep in mind that the only thing that keeps this page going is me thinking it's worthwhile. Supportive E-mail makes everyone happier. So does hatemail actually. Fuck, you can send me pictures of your dog and I'll be tickled pink.

Whatever happened to the roth?
I'm not entirely sure. Last I heard he had broken parole and was planning to run. His current whereabouts are unknown. That's not a joke.
UPDATE!the roth didn't run. He served his time, and is now free to walk the streets again.

Is it true that Cigarettes is a real person?

Well who is he?
Cigarettes is based, in varying degrees of closeness, on my friend Beau Gentry. Beau lives in Reno, Nevada, and is currently unemployed. He enjoys anime, drinking, and not shaving. He's a Gemini.