the roth spent 60 days in jail for a parole violation. Here's his view of the inside.
  • SixPackOfJesus: want to start right now?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: sure

  • SixPackOfJesus: ok, roth, why don't you let us all know why you were in The Can

  • Sex1Murder1Art: november 1st i didn't check in with my stupid cunt drc (day reporting center) woman.. i had no ride, so i called to let her know that i couldn't make it in by 10am.. she informed me that if i got in by 3, i'd be fine and not get arrested. i got there at 230, and the first thing she did was diss my goatee and clothes. the second thing she said was that i needed to be in custody. she took about half an hour to totally diss everything about me, say that i was using everyone, etc. she was pregnant and said that i was putting too much stress on her before her maternal leave. i informed her that i hoped that her kid died during childbirth or at least came out sideways.

  • SixPackOfJesus: that probably didn't go over well.

  • SixPackOfJesus: still, can they arrest you for being a dick?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: exactly

  • Sex1Murder1Art: it stopped her from yelling at me and totally stunned everyone in the room, though

  • Sex1Murder1Art: when the cop was taking me away he goes "that was a fucked up thing to say, man".. i just laughed

  • SixPackOfJesus: so did you go straight from there to The Can?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: yeah, after about 3 hours in the holding cell

  • SixPackOfJesus: so, when you get there do they strip you down, spray you off with cold water and throw de-lousing agents on you?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: haha, not really, no, they just take all of your stuff, including your shoes and make you go watch movies and wait to be booked (which takes around 7 hours)

  • SixPackOfJesus: where the movies good?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: we watched weekend at bernie's and something else.. you be the judge

  • SixPackOfJesus: sounds like a violation of the bill of rights (numba 5 i think), but hey, bush and ashcroft are seeing to the removal of that relic AS WE SPEAK

  • SixPackOfJesus: anyway, you get there the first night, then what?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: the first few days, you're house 1.. from there, you can either be a participating or non participating inmate. if you're non, you go to house 2, 5, 6 or 8. if you're par, you go to 9 and above. 3 is for the crazies, 4 is the hole, and 7 is bmu (behavior management)

  • SixPackOfJesus: were you par or non? what does that even mean?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: i was par.. non par means that you can have facial hair, long hair, and you only get 2 hours of free time a day, plus 2 visits a month. par gives you 2 visits a week and about 4 hours of free time a day, plus books

  • SixPackOfJesus: i'm assuming it also means you worked

  • Sex1Murder1Art: no, you can work if you want, but it's not mandatory

  • SixPackOfJesus: that's weird as shit. if you cut your hair they treat you better?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: not so much better, they just give you a little more freedom

  • SixPackOfJesus: did you work?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: no

  • SixPackOfJesus: what stuff did you read?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: i read a lot of tom clancy, some of the bible (i didn't get past genesis because it was just far too ridiculous), and a few other books

  • SixPackOfJesus: you know most of "Tom Clancy" books are ghost written now.

  • Sex1Murder1Art: is that so?

  • SixPackOfJesus: yeah

  • SixPackOfJesus: anyway, what was a typical day while serving your debt to society?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: breakfast is at 430am, you don't have to eat it if you don't want, i preferred to sleep. you get free time from 9-11, then you go back into your room until 12 or 1230, that's when lunch is. after that, you get some free time from like 2-230, razor call is at around 330-4, then dinner's at 430. after that, you're locked down until about 8-10, when you get free time. that's about it

  • SixPackOfJesus: is the good as bad as in movies?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: it's pretty bad, and you don't get very much. every day except wednesdays and saturdays you get cat food sandwiches for lunch. i never ate those

  • SixPackOfJesus: what about cops beating inmates? or inmates beating cops? any crazy shit like that?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: one inmate tried to hit a cop, but he swiftly called DIRT (i don't know what it stands for).. they're like the jail riot police and they came in and beat the fuck out of the inmate

  • Sex1Murder1Art: there were 3 fights, too.. one was awesome because this little white guy tried to shove a big black guy but the white dude basically just pushed himself backwards down the stairs

  • SixPackOfJesus: what about you? you spent some time in lockdown right?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: yeah, i had a deal worked out with my cellmate (he smoke no english other than "i don't know man") that i cleaned the room one week, he cleaned the next, etc.. he didn't clean so the cops told us to clean it.. while i was cleaning, they locked us down with the cleaning supplies. i hit the intercom and told the cop that i had the supplies and he goes "what are you trying to say?" i said "i've got your cleaning shit, do you want it back?". "are you being smart with me?" he asked. "no, it just seems like i'm smart because you're a fuckin cop". i got locked down for 3 days

  • SixPackOfJesus: what did you get to do during free time?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: tv, associate with others, things like that. you can play cards if you want, too

  • Sex1Murder1Art: or take showers

  • SixPackOfJesus: which aren't the big ass rape water parks we see in movies, but are instead very private.

  • Sex1Murder1Art: the ass rape water parks are in prison, from what i've heard

  • SixPackOfJesus: anything else about being in jail that feels noteworthy?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: you can't smoke in there

  • Sex1Murder1Art: another thing that was kind of cool was that my cellmate and i fought every day.. like fist fought fight club style, it was cool

  • Sex1Murder1Art: there was an 85 year old man that got 5 years for jaywalking

  • Sex1Murder1Art: we called him "old gray mare"

  • SixPackOfJesus: did you make any prison friends? I mean that platonically, one month doesn't seem long enough to decide to fuck guys.

  • Sex1Murder1Art: yeah, there were some cool people.. we sat around a table text to the book case so that we could make fun of people.

  • SixPackOfJesus: team better-than-everybody-else eh?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: yeah, pretty much

  • SixPackOfJesus: do you feel that your time in the pokey has made a better citizen of the roth?

  • Sex1Murder1Art: no, but it's given me more freedom

  • SixPackOfJesus: so, on a scale of one to ten, rate jail.

  • Sex1Murder1Art: 3. it's an ok place to visit, but i wouldn't want to live there