Bad things happen. Not sometimes, but constantly. To everyone. Things go wrong. People piss you off. Nothing EVER works out as planned. And so fucking what? I understand depression as a temporary state of mind, but to dwell there constantly, day after day is just taking an easy way out. You're dwelling on problems instead of dealing with them or getting over them. Why is it that people find it so much easier to hold on to negative events than positive ones? Why do people who have so much, so good choose to wallow in misery? Of course things go wrong. Things always go wrong, that's how you know you're alive. What matters is how you react to it. It's unnatural to not get upset about things, but it's unhealthy not to get over it. Your environment is a product of you. If you're right, and the whole world does suck, and it really can't get any better, then there's only one person you can blame.