\n Old Babies Already Eaten!!!!!!

What's Up:

03/11/02 by Indie Ian

03/08/02 by Ianoto
So... I'm starting something new on the words page. Aside from that, things are going pretty well for me. I've got a little lower back pain, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'm out of orange juice though... That kinda sucks. I'm seeing a good movie today though. I'm happy about that. Doo doot da do.



02/28/02 by Rough and Tumble Ian
You think you're such a bad ass don't you. OOOHH!! you say. OOOH!!! I'm the fairy princess of the internet and I've chosen to grace this site with my presence. Well fuck you Fairy Princess! I Don't NEED YOU! I've got two more RETRO Stickman's out of the archives, and they're going to EAT YOUR FAIRY PRINCESS FACE! You idiot kid, You don't have a clue.

02/25/02 by Citizen Ian
NEW STUFF!!! Though I guess that's probably obvious. I mean, I could have just typed "Bolly Wattle Apricot Ding Dong!" and you'd have known there was new stuff. But I have to fill these newsposts up with something. Hey! I'm done! But eventually you're gonna play a record that's quieter.

02/20/02 by Ian and a head injury
Uh... I like, lost the login to the site. Yeah, that's the ticket, but hey! There's a new stickman up. You like stickman don't you! TELL STICKMAN YOU LOVE HIM!!!! FUCKER!!!!!!!!!! I'm a banana!

02/05/02 by Ianman
I like comics! Do you like comics? Yes? Well tough shit for both of us, cause none of today's stuff is comics. It's not even a cartoon. Deal with it fucker. My spoon is too big!

01/24/02 by Ian "No Sheds" Adams
Gentlemen, we have update. That's right. Withen three days of posting stuff, I'm posting three more stuff. stuffs. stuffi. things. Film at 11.

01/21/02 by Ian "Two Sheds" Adams
I've got new drawings on my page. 4 new drawings! Hooray! New drawings! On my page! Hooray! I find Carnations attractive too, but you don't see me trying to fuck a flower bed.

01/09/02 by Ian the Red
Oh Darling, Please Believe Me, I'll Never Do You No Harm, Believe Me When I Tell You, There's New Other Art and New Prompt Stuff. Sweet Jesus!

01/08/02 by Old Man Ian
You damn kids stay the hell off my lawn! I got a new Stickman drying out there, and the last thing I need is your greasy fingerprints all over the damn thing! I feed you good, I STEAL NOTHING!

01/03/02 by Ian of the Damned.
Roth is out of jail! Hooray! In honor of this, The new prompt is finally going up. I have a fairly good size backlog, so we'll be keeping busy. The chief was a boat.

12/17/01 by Ian and Popeye.
This is one of those "I'm not dead." updates. I'm not dead, but my videocard almost is, which makes it hard for me to draw. I can still write, and have probably done so since you last checked. Uh... Rob and I are collaborating on our contribution to the next propt, and Jme has already submitted his share of stuff, but in the meantime, we're in a holding patern. I don't understand this bread.

12/03/01 by Ian and 16 herbs and spices
Hooray for updates! Hooray for Ryan! Hooray for collage! Hooray for Cigarettes! Hooray for Charles Shultz! Ichbien Ein "Bootylicious!"

11/30/01 by a herd of Ian
NO PANTS UPDATED DAY!!!! HOOOWAH!! All the people are so happy now, their heads are cavin' in.

11/21/01 by Frank and his dancing chickens
Boys and girls, it saddens me to inform you that Kill All The White Man has sold out. We now design technology to service your client's needs in a competing business world. Whatever that means. See your proof here.

Also, in a conversation with kap from steakandcheese.com, I lost my ability to form sentences temporarily and caused him to think that, for some odd reason, I was going to talk about him in this update. Silly bastard. I don't care how many checks you send to your web host, there's simply no reason for me to discuss it here.

11/13/01 by Ian and he dances on the sand.
Do you like it when people draw well? SO DO I! That's why there's new stuff from Rob on the site. In fact, if he weren't all busy with his "school" and "homework" and other bullshit excuses, he'd have drawn our comic for the next prompt. The theme of which will be "falling in love". DRAW YOUR'S TODAY!!! Like Dr. Dre in a wheelchair, shooting a video, going up and down escalators.

11/05/01 by Ian and self deprication deprication.
All the really popular E/N and webcomic sites are headed up by either silent despots or self depricating whores. Were this an E/N site all of those words would have been links to various examples. As it is, I'll be a pussy and reneg by saying some of the comics I read are run by sane, stable people, but very few. What the fuck is that? Why are people such petulant little babies. I'm talking about people I like here. It's fucking lame. This is a federal agent badge, I'm a federal agent.

10/29/01 by Snow White and the Seven Ian.
You know what's shitty? The US DVD for Ginger Snaps. Fuck Full Screen man. Anyway, new stuff, check other art. Say ahh ahh ahah ahuh ah ahhhhhh.

10/22/01 by Dress-Up Fun Ian.
I'm really not sure how to put this, but... your mother and I have been talking and... you're grounded. That's right. Grounded. And if you don't get all the new other art read, it's off to military school you cocky prick. Hey, how ya doin.

10/16/01 by Ian, king of France.
Right, I'm back and I'm black and I'm back y'all. Except for the black part. Anyway, people finally sent me stuff, so now I'm gonna post it. See, that's how it works. It's all in other art. Static in the microphone reminds me of the womb.

10/01/01 by that lazy bastard, Ian
More like ring leader of the lazy bastards. See, while I haven't done anything lately, niether have any of you. At any rate, in order to remind people that this site does indeed update, RETRO Stickman is new today. Except that I probably drew it like 2 years ago. Obey My Dog!

9/13/01 by E/N
Totally crazy news story over here. Big ups to my peeps over at The Ece. Uh... Boobs.

Sorry guys. I'm just not cut out for E/N. Maybe I could do a blog?

Fuck it. New other art from jme. New(?) Retro Stickman. Stop It With This Insane Talk.

8/30/01 by Ian's Blues Explosion.
What's that I smell? Why, it's an update. Fan art from Rob, Duffy and jme. And the object of all our desires... STICKMAN 15! This one's funny, I swear. It's my tits, isn't it?

8/27/01 by Ian and Wilt Chamberlain.
INTRODUCING... The NEW ADDITIONS PAGE! Now, instead of hunting through the big ole other art page, or trying to figure out which Stickman is the newest (HINT: They're in numerical order) you can just go to the new additions page. And we'll dance and sing and tra la la. Find out what's new by going there now. Either under the gallery page, or by clicking here. Oh I'm sorry. Here. I mean here. There that did it... OH SHIT!!! I CAN'T GET IT OFF! Let it fucking go why don't you?

8/22/01 by Ian and his mom.
Other art has stuff by Rob, a reappearance by the roth, something from Nick, and a little something special from me that involves a clown. Screwing the Pooch since 1982.

8/20/01 by Ianlicious.
So like... yeah. Stuff. And I put links to it. On pages. On this site. Yeah. You just need to like, follow the links. And there will be stuff. On pages. Like Other Art. And retro Stickman. And the Prompt. And... no wait that's it. So yeah. There's like, a navigation bar up there that'll show you where to go. Yup. You might hear my organ, playin a rockin SOLO!

8/17/01 by Ian and Rob.
Fuck YES. New Stickman. Loads of new other art. And presenting, the KillAllTheWhiteMan Promo Movie. Send it to your friends and strangers. Jabrow!

8/16/01 by Whose House? Ian's House!
I bringeth to thee NEW comics and stuff! Take thyself to other art! And prepare thyself for Stick man XIII! For soon it's day shall come! -Brought to you by the American Department of Condescending Paternalism.

8/13/01 by Ian the Hun.
Yeah BIOTCH! So wuzzup with my hommies? I'm sorry, I'll stop. Anyway, new other art, and a prompt submission. Coming soon: New stickman, and a killallthewhiteman promo movie. I'll give ya a grownup.

8/10/01 ACTION NEWS UPDATE! Moments after updating the page, I was informed that and earthquake had occured at the exact time of the update in my home town of Reno Nevada. Coincidence? Or Omen?

8/10/01 by Ian and Yo Mamma
Prompt? Yeeeeesss.
Other Art? Yeeeessss.
Fan Art? ...no. Hey fuck you guy!
RETRO Stickman? Sure, why not.
Words? Probably since YOU last looked.
And so yeah. That's the update. I'm working on Stickman 13 as we speak, and let me tell you, it's gonna have stick figures in it like few comics you've ever seen. Except all Stickman 1-12, all the RETRO Stickman's, and those stickman comics that aren't either of those. Also Karva Komix. But that is IT. It's a Pimptastrophy.

7/30/01 by Saint Ian and his Holy Rollers.
Do you have new Other Art? HUH? DO YAH!
Didn't think so BITCH! Well thank God I'm here to take care of shit while you slack off. That's right, I posted some new other art. That's why I run the page and you don't. Oh, you still think you can take me do ya? Well then mosey on over to Fan Art and notice that I kicked your ass again you malignant piece of shit. I'll be your Huckleberry...

7/24/01 by Ian "WheelZ" Adams
The biggest thing here is that Duffy and I did an article together about the fact that Dave Navarro is a God Damn Fruit. Also, new Prompt stuff is up. I'm lazy, so there's still no retro stickman. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. Maybe I'll not update for a month. The not knowing is what makes it exciting. WOOHAH, I got you all in check!

7/20/01 by Me, Myself and Ian
More Prompt work from the illustrious Jme. Pronounced Jamie. No retro stickman today based soley on how lazy I am. But maybe it will build up tension. What happens in the epiloge? Who knows? Besides me I mean? Why did I put a question mark on that sentence when it clearly didn't need it. Why didn't I put one there? THE WORLD NEVER KNOW. I don't wanna be down.

7/18/01 by The Captain and TenIan
I've got a whole pile of shit. Much of it prompt, some of it not. Check other art if that crazy non-prompt stuff excites you. Check Stickman's page if more retro stickman stalling is what starts your motor. If thirteen year old girls in their underwear is more your speed, check here and then get the fuck away from me you sicko. Bobby and Lisa... SUCH GOOD FRIENDS!!!!!

7/10/01 by Dj Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Ian

6/26/01 by Grandpa Ian
Unlike Frank, I've been busy. But hey, at least the wait was under ten days this time. I have a submission for other art, and some retro madness. You will look at my pictures, and then you will be inspired to make your own. Que el Fuck?

6/18/01 by Frank
Unlike Ian, I don't have a girlfriend. So, in honor of my solace, I've uploaded a keen animated gif by my buddy qwe and his buddy Gore (their parents really didn't like them). Check it out over at The Other Art Section.

6/18/01 by Ian
No real update today, but I did do some stuff for Frank's site over at TheRedEye. My girlfriend gets home tonight, so don't go expecting an update tomorrow. Hopefully the next day. Quality.

6/17/01 by Ian
There's stuff on the Stickman page that wasn't there before. Some would call it new, but that would be updating, and I clearly don't dabble in that shit. I touch hearts, like Kano.

6/6/01 by Ian
More Canadian stuff that doesn't suck. Check out Don't Look Away. If you thought a series of comics where we killed a nice english girl's boss were cool, you should see the shit these people will do for you. It's retro stickman again, because it's all I gots. Oh you passed on mercy, you tried the rest, you gave your body, you gave your best.

6/2/01 by Ian
Go see Ginger Snaps if you can. It's canadian, but it honestly doesn't suck. Retro Stickman again, on account of I have nothing else to post. Why don't you eat him and take his strength?

5/31/01 by Ian
Retro retro reto. Two of em. That is all. She's a nice lady.

5/30/01 by Ian
Word to all my bitches. I have for you more of this retro stickman. A new contributor has something for us in other art. I also have a picture of the roth that I drew. Wrapping that up, I have my version of the roth's comics in other art, and his version of Stickman in fan art. Like screaming at a wall.

Old News